Thursday, 25 August 2016

Take a Quick Look Up At Yahoo Customer Care Tips

Each and every day we take notice of a service, website or app getting hacked. Passwords are compromised and Information leaks. Yahoo account credential, which has become ubiquitous today, is not only used in your cell phone but also across several websites that allow Yahoo logins. 
It is a fairly secure account which allows millions of people to communicate with each other. There have undoubtedly been targeted attacks that lead to the security breach of countless people. And in such critical cases, the account details of Yahoo were stolen from another system, like a website or an app that used login details from Yahoo.
With important accounts like Yahoo accounts you should be always careful all the time. Here are a few Yahoo Customer Care tips that you can use to keep your Google account safe:
Ø  Always logout your account after work done
Ø  Keep a strong password and reset it once a week
Ø  Make a habit of checking Yahoo privacy setting regularly
Ø  Keep your alternative email address and phone number updated
Ø  Backup all of your emails which are essential or having sensitive files

Apart from that, if you’re experiencing any kind of technical issues with your Yahoo account, immediately make a call on Yahoo Customer Service helpline to get in touch with our techies. They are capable enough to help you out on any matter and are available 24/7 at your service.

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